Jon K. Crupi

Tax & Compliance

Industry Expertise
Manufacturing, Construction, Wholesale, Retail, Restaurants

Practice Focus
Tax, Compliance
951.684.7781 x 111

Professional Experience
Jon Crupi is a veteran staff accountant who has experienced last four major tax “rewrites”. He is well-acquainted with working on complex entities. From trusts and partnerships to corporations, Jon enjoys working to research options and meeting with clients to explain, clarify and provide advice on optimizing the effects of tax obligations.

Thriving on a challenge, Jon is known for identifying sound solutions to ambiguous options. He enjoys the research as well as the outcome, a complete, accurate tax return that has optimized tax incentives.


California State Polytechnic University, Pomona California – Bachelor of Science, Accounting


Professional Affiliations
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)


Personal Note
Jon is a native of San Diego and was raised in Orange County, California. He currently lives in the mountain setting of Running Springs, California with his wife, where they enjoy the four seasons. Their blended families include nine children and six grandchildren which keep them very busy.

When not enjoying the family, Jon can be found after hours Jon busy with his hobbies. He recently “retired” from a side profession as a semi-professional soccer referee and now likes to watch the action from the sidelines. New hobbies have pushed old aside, as Jon can often be found traveling to places like Monterrey, California and Flagstaff, Arizona to check out red wine tastings and jazz festivals.


Community Involvement
Leaps & Bounds Pediatric Therapy
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Inland Empire