
Preparing tax returns is a critical function, whether it’s for your business or your personal life. But, properly preparing tax forms to meet IRS compliance is only the starting point for our RP&B advisory team. Tax returns are the historical reporting of your financial transactions, but we strive to work with you throughout the year to properly position your upcoming financial dealings to minimize your taxes.

Planning is a key component of the tax advisory services at RP&B, which allows us to assist our clients to meet their financial objectives. Through our continual working relationship, we can ensure that the proper planning tactics are implemented before your financial transactions are completed. Utilizing proactive planning allows for additional tax savings opportunities.

Our services include:

  • Start-up Plans and Strategies
  • Business Growth Strategies
  • Business Valuation
  • Exit, Succession and Transition Strategies

  • ESOP Support
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Family Transfers
  • Special Projects

To learn more about RP&B CPAs Advisory services