Employee Benefit Plan Audits

RP&B performs audits of employee benefit plans, and review and preparation of related 5500 returns. We perform both full-scope and limited-scope audits. Our efficient audit process provides a cost-effective, quality engagement delivered by experienced professionals that provide clients with ideas to enhance their plan administration and compliance. We believe in meeting deadlines and fee estimates, as well as delivering a smooth, thorough engagement. We are an AICPA Employee Plan Audit Quality Center Member and our benefit plan auditors regularly participate in continuing education programs specific to employee benefit plans.

Our services include:

  • 401k Plan Audits
  • 403b Plan Audits

  • Cafeteria Plans
  • ESOP Plans
RP&B has substantial ESOP experience serving over 100 ESOP owned companies. Consequently, we are uniquely qualified to perform audits of ESOPs.

Our Engagement Process

RP&B proactively schedules and communicates audit timeframes and client requirements. Our goal is to provide a high quality experience that minimizes interruption in your workplace, limits your staff’s involvement in the audit process and provide the assurance that your benefit plans are secure. Our Partners are accessible and involved in your audit.

To learn about RP&B CPAs Employee Benefit Plan Audits