Our Services


From payroll requirements to banking and check writing, we service emerging to mid-size businesses, family run companies, individuals with advanced tax and financial planning needs and not-for-profit organizations.

Audit & Review

Accurate and timely financial systems are part of any business. An audit or review provides the assurance the information reported is the right data to use.

Tax Solutions

Planning is the key to successfully and legally reducing your tax liability. We go beyond tax compliance and proactively recommend tax saving strategies to maximize your after tax income.

Employee Benefit Plans

We perform full- and limited-scope audits of employee benefit plans and 5500 returns, providing clients with ideas to enhance their plan administration and compliance.


All organizations and leaders need guidance from time to time. Our advisory team is a resource for everything from strategic planning and making significant long-term organizational decisions to improving day-to-day efficiencies.


We provide benchmarking to help our clients understand how they compare to their competition, anonymously comparing financial data against similarly situated organizations.


RP&B CPAs have deep experience in the accounting, tax and regulatory complexities of ESOPs, including leveraged plans, share allocation and the valuation process.

Corporate Tax Diagnostic

At RP&B CPAs, we are consultants first and accountants second. We strive to help our clients understand general tax principles and strategies and the subsequent tax implications.

R&D and Tax Credit Review

We design a customized approach for each client to efficiently collect, analyze and document activities, expenses and credits to understand potential tax benefits.

Let RP&B CPAs help your firm with your Accounting needs